
Bloooperman is one of the most famous superheroes in the Tortoise Islands. He has been immortalised far and wide via the best-selling comics that pay tribute to the legend, the incredible legend of the Man with the Seventh Sense.

He makes frequent appearances wherever crime is being committed across the islands – and indeed in nations across the world. However, the details of his history leave many to question whether he should be allowed to continue his operations. In fact, more than 50 countries currently deny him visa entry which means that on occasion, in pursuit of criminals, Bloooperman himself must defy the law.

front cover of bloooperman comic

front cover of bloooperman comic

Bloooperman is widely considered to be the world's most controversial superhero.

Is he the solution to crime? Regrettably, the considered answer has to be "no". Too many times his interventions, however well-meaning, have ended in disaster. Too many times, his actions have made things worse – turning misfortune into setback and setback to catastrophe.

The recent adventure at the Antiquities Museum is a case in point. While Bloooperman could arguably be said to have helped thwart the attempted heist – the bandits were after all captured in a dramatic shootout that heavily involved Bloooperman inside the museum – the gunfire that destroyed a priceless Ming Dynasty vase has been directly blamed on Bloooperman.

How many apologies can after all be made for all the collateral damage? Just how many bloopers can be forgiven in the final analysis? Is the price of justice more costly than the crime? Who is gonna pay the bill? Can Bloooperman possibly continue his ill-fated trajectory?

silhouette of bloooperman

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This site is entirely fictitious!

© 2001-16 Bloooperman   All rights reserved.

alarm clock

Part of the Alarm Media entertainment & business network.

Reports about Bloooperman can be read in Loungecast.

Bloooperman is based in the Tortoise Islands.

This site is a commercial partner of Tech Brand – brandable domains for sale.

Website by ClickAsAFlash

This site had its origins at TurtlePortal

© 2001-16 David Tyrer All rights reserved

DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT NOTICE. All material on this site is purely fictitious. Any resemblance to any living person is entirely accidental and unintentional. Apart from any fair dealing for genuine review purposes (which must include the URL: no part of this site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Copying is solely permitted for personal use. The right of David Tyrer to be identified as the author of this work is asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The Bloooperman site shall not be re-transmitted, printed, lent or otherwise circulated without the written permission of the copyright holder, and shall not under any circumstances have these conditions waived for any recipient. The artistic integrity of the work contained herein may not be altered or repurposed in any way, shape or form without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright in some images resides with various photo libraries. Copyright in many photos or montage sources resides with istockphoto™ and Nova Development Corporation™. All images, text, stories, movies, animations, flash and audio are presented for viewing purposes only and may not be repurposed in any shape or form. No part of art, text, concepts, stories, audio, logos, movies, intellectual property or trademarks may be saved, resold or reproduced in any way with the exception of making personal copies that may not be posted online. This site may contain audio and supplementary page(s) may contain Flash™ animation. (Flash is a trademark of Adobe® Systems, Inc. The Flash player can be downloaded from Any brand names mentioned on this site are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Text, content and information presented on this site is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or any other form of advice, and is solely intended as fiction, entertainment, humor and satire. Bloooperman™ is a trademark of Click as a Flash™. Click as a Flash's registered Australian Business Number is ABN 62 188 088 529.
© David Tyrer 2001-16.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When I created "Bloooperman" and registered this domain name in 2001 and first created this website I genuinely believed him to be an entirely original creation. Since then I have learned via search engines that there have been several other "Blooperman" characters, one character dating back to the 1960s and an animated version made in the 70s, among others. So I have added an extra "o" to his name to distinguish him from all other "Blooperman" characters. Therefore, Bloooperman has no relationship whatsoever to any other "Blooperman" character previously created.

I make no claims over any rights to any pre-existing "Blooperman" characters. I hope all these "Bloopermen" can coexist in terms of copyright laws and rights in a similar way that the "Acme" company exists in many cartoons throughout history. However, if you wish to discuss the existence of this site, please contact Dave Tyrer via the Click as a Flash website. The copyright claim on this website is solely for this original version of a cartoon character.